Glory to God Most High Full of Grace And Mercy
On Thee We All Depend From Beginning Till The End
Give Us Strength And Wisdom We Need To Cherish Good Faith And Deed
Bestow Health And Prosperity Oh! Lord Of Eternity
85% attendance is counted for promotion.
- Any change in address should be notified immediately.
- Students cannot leave school without taking a gate pass from the Principal / Head Mistresses.
Home Assignment
- Assignments are given to students in the Middle / High School from time to time. Parents are requested to see that work given is completed and submitted on time.
- In the Senior section, the students are expected to work out their own time-table or as desired by their teachers.
- Parents are expected to cooperate with the school authorities and the staff member in promoting the Discipline and decorum of the school.
- Parents are expected enforce regularity and punctuality with regard to their children's attendance.
- The school bell will ring at 8:55 A.M. and the gates will be closed. The manage- -ment is in no way responsible for the late comers. parents should see that the children attend the Assembly at 9:00 A.M. daily. They should see that children come to school regularly, punctually and dressed neatly and correctly. School gates will be closed at 9:00 A.M. All the pupils should be present in school 10 minutes before the scheduled time. ONCE THE GATE CLOSES, THE SCHOOL TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LATE COMERS, SO PARENTS HAVE TO TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR CHILDREN TO RETURN HOME SAFELY.
- Parents will not be allowed to enter the school premises in the morning hour as the leaving of parents obstructs the easy entry of the students. Parents should leave the students near the gate. Our Staff will receive the student and direct them to their respective classes. Parents are allowed to enter the school in the evening to take back their children home.
- The gates will be left open after the school hours and parents are advised to take their children immediately. The school is not responsible for them before and after the school hours unless they have been specifically asked to stay back.
- Parents should help the children to study their lessons at home and to do their home-work everyday.
- Parents/Guardains and others are requested not to meet the students or the teachers during school hours and lunch break without the sanction of the principal.
- Progress reports are issued at the end of monthly tests and terminal examina- tion. Parents should go through the reports and sign them. This will help the parents to have an idea of their child's progress.
- After every Assessment Test/Terminal examinations, a Parent teacher meeting will be arranged to discuss the child's performance. Parents are requested to go through the Test notes other test papers and get advice of the teachers for the betterment of their children.
- Parents are requested to look into school diary every day. Leave, permissions reasons to be entered in the diary only.
- All the correspondence regarding the pupils should be addressed to the principal and not to be class teachers.
- Students and parents should not offer presents gifts to any of the staff or visit their homes to discuss school matters.
- Fee once paid shall not be refunded nor transferred to any other account under any circumstances.
- Fee should be paid on or before 10 of every term to avoid penalty
- Fee not paid for the grace period, 10 days after the last date, (Le 10th to 20th of the month). will attract a fine of Rs. 500/-
- Falling to pay the fee in time for two consecutive months will result in the student's name being struck-off the rolls.
- Fee card must be produced while remitting the fee.
- Rs. 50/- will be charged for a new fee card