Dear Students, For efficient functioning of the school the following rules have been framed and these must be followed by all of you.
- You are to be obedient and caring, and courteous to elders and are expected to be polite to all.
- You should respect the rights of others and maintain order and discipline both in school and outside.
- As a student of Mansura, you are responsible to the school authorities for your conduct.
- Merit stars are awarded for outstanding class activities, reference work, good behavior, leadership qualities and participation in Inter School Competitions etc.
- Black marks are given to all those who break school rules, shout and run about in the corridors and destroy school fumiture & equipment will be issued cards and disciplinary action will be taken.
- Cards system will be implemented to maintain discipline and smooth working of school. Yellow and-demerits Brown Card Merits after 3 Yellow Cards T.C will be issued.
- Your surroundings are beautiful. You are expected to take care of it and see that it is well maintained.
- Cell-Phones, Cameras, I-Pods and Make-up items are strictly prohibited in school. In case Cell-Phones are brought by Students-they should be deposited with the Class Teacher and collected at the end of the day.
- Please walk in line and observe silence. Perfect silence and order is to be maintained throughout the assembly.
- You have to come to school in time (8:50 a.m.. Those reporting after (9:00a.m.) will not be allowed in to the school the school authorities are not responsible for late commeres at all.
- Class rooms should be kept clean, tidy and attractive giving proper attention to Bulletin Boards, charts and other equipments
- When the bell rings, students should not loiter outside except during intervals. You should be in your seats and ready for study for the next period.
- Students should have their own articles like books, pens, water bottles etc. It is better if all these are marked with your names.
- Students are not allowed to chew gum or eat anything in class during lessons.
- You are free to borrow books from the library, but will pay a fine if you do not return he book on time.
- If you are absent for a day, please let us know why? Your parents have to sign giving the reason on the pages reserved for short leave record in this diary.
- If you are ill and have been absent for more than three days you must submit a doctor's certificate.
- Long leave for functions, marriages in the family or trips out of town will not be sanctioned during term.
- Medical Information about a child must be submitted.
- The school telephone can be used in emergency and with the permission of the class teacher.
- In coming calls for you will be taken, but you will not disturbed in the class. Messages will be taken and passed on to you.
- The School also has a movie club where from ime to time we have films screened for children
- Tourism Club arranges trips to exotic locations. Students are exposed to different cultures, food habits etc, and they also learn to be independent.
- Students are encouraged to develop a love for the English language by participating in debates, quizzers and word games.
- House meetings are held every month House captains and office bearers elected from the student community organize and arrange interesting get together which are educational and enjoyable
- House meetings are compulsory for all students from Class I to Class X
You are expected to participate mall school functions, excursions and house meetings Attendance is compulsory in the following
- Classes IV will have no promotion examinations. Promotion will be based on performance throughout the year. However, Irregular attendance and lack of daily work will Diet an issue
- Classes VI-IX will have regular examinations and promotion will be determined by their performance throughout the year. F graders throughout the year are not eligible for promotion
- Children who are sick should not be sent to school to write the examination. During examinations, timings and rules must be followed very strictly in the high school section Use of unfair means during examination will not be tolerated
- You will not be allowed to leave the school after the examination while the school is still on
- Avoid leaving the class room to drink water or using the toilet
- in cases student in detained barce, the principal reserves the right to cancel the admission.
**Students can be given conditional promotion, only once and that too if they have failed only in three subjects. Students getting and F grade in all three terms will be deatined.
All the sludents excepting Nursery, LKG and UKG are divided in four groups viz Red House, Green House, Blue House and Yellow House in order to promote group sense and healthy competitions. The inter house competition are spread out all through the year in study, sport and cocurricular activities. The captain and Vice-captain of all the House helps to maintain sportman ship and co-operation.